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Brandi Rumfield

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Thank you for stopping by! My name is Brandi Rumfield. I have been a consultant for 4 years now and I have earned the title as a Scentsy Independent Star Consultant.

So my journey is a little different. I had heard of Scentsy, but didn't actually know anything about the products. I was at a festival selling a different product and I noticed all these people that keep migrating to the Scentsy booth. They were all so excited to just smell some smells. I decided that I needed to find out more! I bought a few items and about a week later I joined! In the beginning I didn't want a team but over the years we have multiplied and I am so thankful for all the relationships I have built and continue to.

I have learned so much over the years and I am excited to learn more,grow and see what my Scentsy future holds for me.

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Please contact me Brandi Rumfield 936*499*9921

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